In this example, we simulate data from a GP whose covariance structure has a spatially-varying anisotropy matrix.
We simulate 10 independent realizations of X(t), t = (s1, s2)⊤, from the following model: We assume that f is a zero-mean GP with a nonseparable and nonstationary covariance function given by where g(⋅) is the exponential correlation function, σ(t) = 1 and σε2 is negligible.
The elements of the varying anisotropy matrix A(s1, s2) are:
n1 <- 30 # sample size for input coordinate 1
n2 <- 30 # sample size for input coordinate 2
n <- n1*n2 # total sample size
# Creating evenly spaced spatial coordinates
input <- list()
input[[1]] <- seq(0,1,length.out = n1)
input[[2]] <- seq(0,1,length.out = n2)
inputMat <- as.matrix(expand.grid(input)) # inputs in matrix form
# Creating the varying anisotropy matrix with spatially-varying parameters
A11 <- function(s1,s2){
exp(6*cos(10*s1 - 5*s2))
A22 <- function(s1,s2){
exp(sin(6*s1^3) + cos(6*s2^4))
A12 <- function(s1,s2){
A_List <- list()
R12_vec <- rep(NA, n)
for(i in 1:n){
s1 <- inputMat[i,1]
s2 <- inputMat[i,2]
A_i11 <- A11(s1=s1, s2=s2)
A_i22 <- A22(s1=s1, s2=s2)
A_i12 <- A12(s1=s1, s2=s2)
A_i <- matrix(NA, 2, 2)
A_i[1,1] <- A_i11
A_i[2,2] <- A_i22
A_i[1,2] <- A_i12
A_i[2,1] <- A_i12
A_List[[i]] <- A_i
R12_vec[i] <- A_i12/sqrt(A_i11*A_i22)
# Constructing the (n x n) covariance matrix K
ScaleDistMats <- calcScaleDistMats(A_List=A_List, coords=inputMat)
Scale.mat <- ScaleDistMats$Scale.mat
Dist.mat <- ScaleDistMats$Dist.mat
corrModel <- "pow.ex"
gamma <- 1
K <- Scale.mat*unscaledCorr(Dist.mat=Dist.mat, corrModel=corrModel, gamma=gamma)
diag(K) <- diag(K) + 1e-8
# Generate response surfaces
meanFunction <- rep(0, n)
nrep <- 10
response <- t(mvtnorm::rmvnorm(nrep, meanFunction, K))
The estimation of the NSGP covariance function is done by using the
We want a nonseparable covariance structure (sepCov=F
assuming the process has unit variance
) and a zero noise variance
The unconstrained parameters associated to the varying anisotropy
matrix will be modeled via L = M = 6 B-spline basis
functions with evenly spaced knots. To allow the parameters of the
anisotropy matrix to change along both directions s1 and s2, we set
whichTau = c(T,T)
The estimated hyperparameters (B-spline coefficients) from the
function are saved in the object hp
# fit <- nsgpr(response = response,
# input = input,
# corrModel = corrModel,
# gamma = gamma,
# whichTau = c(T,T),
# absBounds = 8,
# nBasis = 6,
# nInitCandidates = 1000,
# cyclic = c(F,F),
# unitSignalVariance = T,
# zeroNoiseVariance = T,
# sepCov = F)
## Taking ML estimates of B-spline coefficients
# hp <- fit$MLEsts
### end NOT RUN
hp <- c(5.60699, 1.14865, -6.61148, 8, -4.44439, -2.14159, 3.98823,
5.42213, -8, 6.91389, -0.17032, -6.29215, 0.48661, 8, -2.84537,
-1.59173, 8, -2.55939, -8, -0.95508, 7.58644, -8, 4.86161, 8,
-4.08238, -8, 8, -2.74033, -3.5963, 8, -1.30662, -8, 2.05985,
4.27012, -7.26238, 4.76814, 0.67189, 0.62838, 0.42846, 1.33653,
-0.40139, 0.43309, -0.74954, 0.79752, -1.159, 3.31145, -0.87894,
-0.99702, 1.72585, -0.29033, 2.41099, 0.46065, -0.95101, 2.0856,
-1.39188, 0.57495, -0.39334, 3.24682, 1.09657, -1.90269, 1.5223,
-2.87977, 1.54015, -3.89324, -1.67514, -0.18049, 3.93999, -1.50017,
1.18639, 2.16521, -6.93837, -1.88978, -2.06261, -0.80103, 3.17891,
-3.68428, 1.64603, 0.58847, 0.86276, -2.38605, 3.99548, -0.52069,
1.33181, -0.10872, -0.43153, -4.91787, 2.56248, 1.90786, -5.382,
0.42587, 1.43742, 0.54047, -0.23679, 2.63721, -0.11159, 0.57184,
-2.06124, 1.82977, -6.13951, 4.22915, -0.29822, -2.69144, -7.61238,
5.1746, -5.04487, 7.5953, 0.16564, -1.16696, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -23.02585)
Based on the estimated NSGP model, we want to make predictions at test input points:
# Creating test input points
n1test <- n1*2
n2test <- n2*2
inputNew <- list()
inputNew[[1]] <- seq(0,1,length.out = n1test)
inputNew[[2]] <- seq(0,1,length.out = n2test)
inputMatTest <- as.matrix(expand.grid(inputNew[[1]], inputNew[[2]]))
pred <- nsgprPredict(hp=hp, response=response, input=input,
inputNew=inputNew, noiseFreePred=F, nBasis=6,
corrModel=corrModel, gamma=gamma, cyclic=c(F,F),
Below we plot the first realisation and then the corresponding predictions for the new test input locations:
zlim <- range(c(pred$pred.mean, response))
plotImage(response = response, input = inputMat, realisation = 1,
n1 = n1, n2 = n2,
zlim = zlim, main = "observed")
plotImage(response = pred$pred.mean, input = inputMatTest, realisation = 1,
n1 = n1test, n2 = n2test,
zlim = zlim, main = "prediction")
To calculate the covariance matrix based on the hp
estimates found above:
FittedCovMat <- nsgpCovMat(hp=hp, input=input, corrModel=corrModel,
gamma=gamma, nBasis=6, cyclic=c(F,F),
whichTau=c(T,T), calcCov=T)$Cov
We will plot slices of the true and fitted covariance functions centred at specific spatial locations (the 8th observed point of s1 and the 10th of s2). The idea is to obtain image plots of k(s1 − 0.24, s2 − 0.31; 0.24, 0.31).
# centre points for the covariance functions
input1cent <- input[[1]][8]
input2cent <- input[[2]][10]
# half-width
maxdist <- 0.2
zlim <- range(c(K, FittedCovMat)) + 0.2*c(-1,1)
centre_idx <- which(inputMat[,1]==input1cent & inputMat[,2]==input2cent)
other_idx <- which(inputMat[,1]>input1cent-maxdist &
inputMat[,1]<input1cent+maxdist &
inputMat[,2]>input2cent-maxdist &
other_idx_le <- length(other_idx)
# Locations of the slice:
sliceInputMat <- inputMat[other_idx,] - cbind(rep(input1cent, other_idx_le),
rep(input2cent, other_idx_le))
# Slice of the true covariance matrix
sliceCov <- K[centre_idx, other_idx]
nEach <- sqrt(length(sliceCov))
sliceTrueCov <- c(t(matrix(sliceCov, byrow=T, ncol=nEach)))
plotImage(response = sliceTrueCov, input = sliceInputMat,
n1 = nEach, n2 = nEach,
zlim = zlim, main = "true covariance function")
# Slice of the estimated covariance matrix
sliceCov <- FittedCovMat[centre_idx, other_idx]
nEach <- sqrt(length(sliceCov))
sliceFittedCov <- c(t(matrix(sliceCov, byrow=T, ncol=nEach)))
plotImage(response = sliceFittedCov, input = sliceInputMat,
n1 = nEach, n2 = nEach,
zlim = zlim, main = "estimated covariance function")